November 2006, Our organization
has been again recommended in the 4th edition of the Lonely Planet guide about Cuba (p 448)

October 2005, We have finally added the Testimonials section and we will be adding all our client comments very soon.
September 2005, Thanks to a partnership with a travel agency we're now able to offer you hotels in areas where no casas particulares are allowed to operate and also other travel services like car rentals, flights, etc.. (Check the hotels page here)
August 2005, Now we have a better way to show property photos using an Image gallery. Pictures of properties are being uploaded to meet the new better dimensions of 500 pixels width. We have heard our customers opinion to have better bigger images. (View an example here)
June 2005, The Maps feature has been added to our website, now you can view the location map of all Havana properties. We're working on maps of other locations. (View an example here)
July 2004, We have started an affiliate program in order to bring more clients to our casas particulares. The system is currently being tested with three affiliates. If you know any website interested in publishing the properties of our association, please, let us know.
2004, Our organization has been recommended in the new
edition of the Lonely Planet guide about Cuba. See the excerpt